Thursday, December 6, 2007

What does the workspace of a Mixed Media Artist look like?

Well I can tell you that it is not a pretty picture as you can see for yourself. Since my move out west, the space has become much smaller and there's no where to put anything. Not to mention that I share my room with one of the family pets - - our cat whose name is "269". Long story but she came with the house when my daughter bought it and since my daughter manages one of the veterinary clinics here, well what could she do? :) I really don't mind because she is sweet and loves to curl up and purr! What I do mind is that she does not help cleaning up the mess that I make! I will get a picture of her and post it.

Well here you see my creative contraption of cubby holes a.k.a. a shoe rack! My daughter was going to throw it away but I had a better idea!


Teri said...

Good idea! I'm going to keep my eye out for shoe racks. Maybe it will clear up my bookcase for more books. And maybe pigs will fly.

wwilloww said...

Hey Lori...I can see ya and up you a bunch!!! My studio is my kitchen!! And I love it that way! Perhaps the reason I live alone...LOL...well with my 2 pups!! I even still have room to cook (but not always). I will try to capture the spectacle and share it!!! Yours is tame by comparison!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your Cubbys!!! I've always wanted to fill the little area behind my work area with cubbys....but don't want to mess with the current balance...and why waste $$ on storage when I could buy supplies instead HEE HEE

I took your challenge and posted pictures on my blog too....